Welcome to North Canberra Futsal Season 2019/20

Team nominations are in and player registrations are open on Play Football. There are lots of things happening at the start of the season so read on and get yourself ready for the first round of games on Friday October 18 and Sunday October 20.

North Canberra Futsal AGM and Coaches and Managers Meetings

The NCF AGM and the Coaches and Managers meetings will be held at the Raiders Club Belconnen, 155 Hardwick Crescent Holt on Tuesday October 15. Match balls can be collected by each team at the meetings. Please stay or come early to attend the AGM which will be brief and is vital for the running of NCF.

  • 6pm Returning coaches and managers meeting
  • 6.45pm North Canberra Futsal AGM
  • 7.15pm New coaches and managers meeting

NCF Fixtures on SportsTG Now

NCF Fixtures are online now at SportsTG here. Please note that fixtures may change over the next few weeks so please check every week before your game. NCF will try to notify teams of changes but sometimes it’s not possible. If you can’t see your team on the draw then please contact Tom, the NCF Administrator here.

Player Registrations are open at Play Football

Players must register with NCF on Play Football here. Please make sure you are registered before your first game of the season. If you have any registration issues then please email the Registrar. If you are not in a team then please do not register on Play Football. Please contact the NCF Secretary, Karen Mann to be placed on the wait list.

COERVER Coaching Futsal First Skills

North Canberra Futsal has teamed up again with COERVER Coaching to run a Futsal First Skills program over the coming season. The program is designed for first time futsal players aged 3-7 and will be held at Daramalan College Gym, Dickson on Sundays from 9.30-10.30am. For more information and to register check here.

Referee fees for 2019/20

U7- U9 $12 per referee.
Each team pays half.
U10-U11 $16 per referee.
Each team pays half.
U12 – U18 $20 per referee.
Each team pays half or one referee where there are two.